Sunday, October 27, 2013

Zoo and Pumpkin Patch

Mya and Mommy went to the zoo for a girls only outing. Mya's favorite animal is the giraffe. Last time we went her and August got to feed them and the giraffes licked their hands. This time Mya told the giraffes that she wanted them to lick her hand.
She got to ride the carousel. She looks slightly terrified because she was. Once it started moving she was really happy.

We got to go to the pumpkin patch with the Neals and Eisermanns.

Uncle Adam was volunteered to take the kids into the corn maze. He successfully lost Natalie and Julie.

Thanks for a fun day!!!

Mya and her new bike she got for her birthday.
Guy's favorite activity. 


  1. Oh my gosh so much fun!!
    Sydney wants myas bike for sure- she asks to sit on the ones at Walmart everytime we pass by. Maybe one day when we have a garage to store it so it won't rust outside or get stolen like they stole her bike trailer that we used to go in family rises in! :/.until then, her little radio flyer will have to do :)

    1. Autocorrect is not always the best--lo siento for the misspells!

  2. Guy looks so sweet in the last picture!
