We have revived the old Walton blog!!
And you know you are so excited about it! I sure know we are!
Everyone's email's have been entered in and if ya'll received this post by email, then things are up and running beautifully.
It should now be easier than ever to keep up to date with everyone in the Walton clan via posts and pictures.
Steph just posted Julie's baptism pictures last night before I got the emailing system set up, so be sure to scroll down and check them out! They are very sweet.
4 things you should know as contributors and readers of this family blog:
About half of you, specifically Lisa and all the husbands of each family will be receiving an email from Feedburner asking you to verify that you subscribed to receiving email updates from our family blog. You must confirm this in order to receive the posts via email.
Ken and all the rest, including sam and Jayden will automatically receive the emails without having to do this step (I was only allowed to enter 10 of these! Sorry boys, and Lisa! :)).
I'm pretty sure you have to have a Google account to contribute to the Blog- correct me if I'm wrong. If you don't already have a Google account, you should get one anyway bc Google is where it's AT! And we want each family to be able to post pictures and updates.
If you want to post some pictures or a story to this blog, go to blogger.com and sign in or sign into your gmail account and access blogger via gmail. OOOOR if you want you can click on the link at the bottom of any of the emailed posts and it will take you to the blog, you can sign into the blog in the upper right hand corner.
I had to make this blog "public" so that I could subscribe everyone's email addresses to the blog. It was the only way. We won't be advertising the blog in anyway so most people won't know about it, but it will show up on a google search if you type in Grandwaltons.blogspot.com.
*If you have any questions about blogging or how this works, just post a comment below or reply to this "email" or call or text me.
We are so excited to connect more as a family!!
Thanks for getting the blog ball rolling:)