Sunday, October 27, 2013

Zoo and Pumpkin Patch

Mya and Mommy went to the zoo for a girls only outing. Mya's favorite animal is the giraffe. Last time we went her and August got to feed them and the giraffes licked their hands. This time Mya told the giraffes that she wanted them to lick her hand.
She got to ride the carousel. She looks slightly terrified because she was. Once it started moving she was really happy.

We got to go to the pumpkin patch with the Neals and Eisermanns.

Uncle Adam was volunteered to take the kids into the corn maze. He successfully lost Natalie and Julie.

Thanks for a fun day!!!

Mya and her new bike she got for her birthday.
Guy's favorite activity. 

Trunk or treat

Kansas pride?!?! We're definitely not in Kansas anymore. Stephanie walks all over me 😛

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Kelley Buxton

I received this email from Ashley today. I know some of you did as well but there are probably many who did not. Please let's pull together and help Kelley with our faith.

Ashley Ray

Dear friends and family,

I know that I didn't come close to including everyone in this message, but I thought that through some of you, you could help spread the word. As many of you know, my mom Kelley had colon cancer about 12 years ago. She had it removed and has since received annual colonoscopies, etc. to stay up on any possible progressions. This year they found a polyp on her colon (the type that makes cancer). She also just had cancer removed from her nose. Through a long and short series of events, they have discovered that she now has cancer in her uterus. It is an aggressive form of cancer that spreads very rapidly, needing only one cell to grow and progress. She will be having surgery to remove the cancer and all other female organs on Monday Nov. 4th. She will then possibly be going through radiation and/or chemotherapy to be rid of it completely. We will know more about that in the coming months. She hates making people worry and so I know that she has not made an effort to let everyone know, but I know that she is scared herself. Her family is very prone to cancer. Gregg is also very scared and emotional. The family will be going to the temple Saturday evening (Nov. 2nd) and will also begin a 24 hr. fast that night. If you would like to join us in fasting and prayer, we would be so grateful. I know that the Lord works in mysterious ways that we do not understand. I pray that we can have the faith required for Him to work His miracles at this time, whatever they may be. Love you all. Please share with your friends and family that may be concerned. If you need to reach my mom her number is801-710-3899 or their home phone is 801-732-8884. Thanks so much,


Friday, October 25, 2013

"All" dressed up!

Who can name the blue ninja turtle?

Trunk or treat!

Thursday, October 24, 2013




Friday, October 18, 2013

We miss Sam!

We celebrated SAMs bday at a trampoline park.
The best part was dodgeball!  All of the nieces and nephews on one side.  Uncle Sam on the other!  Pictured above: the dodgeball champ

Are you sure Bonnie isn't adopted?

This post is my example to show everyone that a post on this blog doesn't need to be anything fancy :)
Dean and Bonnie practicing their 'inja moves


Syd's 3rd Birthday- Fishies and Guitars

We decided to get Sydney something other than a baby doll to take care of for her 
3rd birthday

We all love staring at our new friends.

And we had fun decorating it for Halloween!

We started out with 2 casualties before our 3 gallon filtered tank arrived from Amazon. They seem to be much happier  in their new home. Scott and Syd went and picked out 5 more last night. Now we have 6. Once we feel confident enough that no more fish will die, we will get cooler fish, that cost a little more than 15 cents. :)

Syd got this guitar from one of her friends for her birthday, but guitars do not exist in Sydney's world. 
She now plays the "violin," just like her Eisermann cousins. :)

There's been some serious plucking going on. 
She will often throw in a little dance with it. Did you 3 girls teach her that?! ;)
She learned from the best!

Welcome Back!

We have revived the old Walton blog!!

 And you know you are so excited about it! I sure know we are! 

Everyone's email's have been entered in and if ya'll received this post by email, then things are up and running beautifully. 
It should now be easier than ever to keep up to date with everyone in the Walton clan via posts and pictures. 
Steph just posted Julie's baptism pictures last night before I got the emailing system set up, so be sure to scroll down and check them out! They are very sweet. 

4 things you should know as contributors and readers of this family blog:

About half of you, specifically Lisa and all the husbands of each family will be receiving an email from Feedburner asking you to verify that you subscribed to receiving email updates from our family blog. You must confirm this in order to receive the posts via email.

Ken and all the rest, including sam and Jayden will automatically receive the emails without having to do this step (I was only allowed to enter 10 of these! Sorry boys, and Lisa! :)).

I'm pretty sure you have to have a Google account to contribute to the Blog- correct me if I'm wrong. If you don't already have a Google account, you should get one anyway bc Google is where it's AT! And we want each family to be able to post pictures and updates.

If you want to post some pictures or a story to this blog, go to and sign in or sign into your gmail account and access blogger via gmail. OOOOR if you want you can click on the link at the bottom of any of the emailed posts and it will take you to the blog, you can sign into the blog in the upper right hand corner.

I had to make this blog "public" so that I could subscribe everyone's email addresses to the blog. It was the only way. We won't be advertising the blog in anyway so most people won't know about it, but it will show up on a google search if you type in

*If you have any questions about blogging or how this works, just post a comment below or reply to this "email" or call or text me.
We are so excited to connect more as a family!!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Julie's Baptism

Here are a few pictures from Julie's baptism.