Sunday, November 17, 2013

John/Mya's birthday spectacular

cousins dingdongdoorbellditched a bunch of balloons

Found this one and had to share.  Her first selfie!

better late than never halloween pics

Saturday, November 16, 2013


Dean's first time roller skating.  He did great.  Especially compared to all the other kids his size.  


I was looking for my phone and guess where I found it?

Muscle Man

John was so excited to get these bro-tanks (under shirts) in a bag of hand-me-downs.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Congrats Mitchell

Mitchell made 3rd chair all region band!
He was up against 70 other percussionists!

7 stitches

Jaden got in a fight with the hedge trimmer and lost!
Only Jaden can look so pretty in an emergency room.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Primary program

So proud of great grandma for coming to 2 primary programs in one day!

I can't believe it was Kallie and Chloe's last one!  

These are Natalie and John E's parts that they memorized and shared at the program.

Heavenly Father wants me to pray to Him often. 
We know to pray at morning and night.  
But we can pray much more often than that. 
Whenever we need or want to.

John E.:
Adam and Eve lived in the garden of Eden but when they ate the forbidden fruit they had to leave the garden.  This is called the fall of man.